GFBL 011 poster

As well as past two years, I made a proposal for the promo poster of upcoming GitarFest Banja Luka – international clasical guitar festival. I made several options and not sure with which one to go. All three images have the energy I wanted but still can not decide which one is most suitable. I’m open to suggestions and opinions… so… shoot!!!

I created all these images in a pretty simple way and with no fancy studio stuff. Model was in a room with white walls and white ceiling. I used wide angle lens, natural window light from left, ISO was set to 800, shutter speed to 1/30 and aperture was f4. No strobes ’cause I wanted to capture a movement. Of course, these images are not straight from camera. Post production was simple. Rising up the exposure using a Brush tool in Lightroom and selecting areas that are white.   Model is “enhanced” by increasing contrast and clarity.

Author: Igor Motl

Freelance photographer from Prijedor, Bosnia whos work is mainly based on portrait photography and photo stories.

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